Executive Recruitment for Employers


At Kumabe HR, we understand talent. We are able to embrace strategy, cutting-edge technology and an expansive local and national network to conduct your executive search process. We offer the most innovative approach to executive search in Hawaii.

We present you with solid options to solve your talent leadership needs. We identify the specific competencies that you are searching for and overlay this with the executive profile. We partner with firms that host best practices and where we ourselves feel comfortable recommending their organizations to our candidates. Our list of client companies demonstrates the caliber of firms that we align with.


Retained Searches

We are able to function at the highest level of executive search as we partner with Boards and Executives on an exclusive basis to identify talent. We provide guidance on all phases of the process and can include the following areas:

· Determine Search Strategy
· Produce and Execute Timeline Process
· Explore Succession Planning/Internal Options
· Provide External Talent Scan
· Advise Best Practices

As a representative of your organization, we treat every candidate with the highest level of professionalism and confidentiality throughout the process.

What Happens Next?

After submitting your request, a Kumabe HR team member will reach out to you for more information. We will introduce our contract and rates to go along with the position you are recruiting for.